our stories, ourselves

Lighting the Dark Corners

by | personal growth

“And the world will still be imperfect, because men are imperfect. Good men will still be killed by bad, or sometimes by other good men, and there will still be pain and disease and famine, anger and hate. But if you work and care and are watchful, as we have tried to be for you, then in the long run the worse will never, ever, triumph over the better. And the gifts put into some men, that shine as bright as Eirias the sword, shall light the dark corners of life for all the rest, in so brave a world.” 
                                                                                                                                                                                                Susan Cooper, SILVER ON THE TREE
Today is aftermath—the aftermath of the tragic, senseless shooting of children and adults in Newtown, Connecticut. We’ve all of us been delivered a tragic, senseless blow—yet one more act of darkness in a world where so many of us are try to keep lights lit even as we discover new shadows every day.
I can’t think I’m alone in feeling ill-at-ease today, anxious, distracted; feeling I’m on the verge of hurtling down a hill, about to scream, about to rage—but I’m unable to focus, to do anything particular, to make any noise. Tears come for no reason—or, rather, for anger, for helplessness, for sharing in grief.
In my unrest, I find myself turning to this blog—to write. To write. To create something strong of myself and my heart that can’t be shot down, can’t be ripped apart or away, and that can help me to heal.  However we find ways to heal, we must—and in doing so, we create something precious for the world that might help to replace the precious the world’s lost. Write, paint, sing, dance, walk in nature, breathe deeply, and love fiercely. As we reach out to friends, to family, to others, so too must we reach inside to be gentle with ourselves. And we must remind ourselves we do carry the light necessary to light the dark corners, vanquishing one shadow at a time.
(c) emma d dryden, drydenbks LLC

drydenbks LLC

drydenbks LLC: emma d dryden’s company offers editorial & publishing consultancy services to children’s book creators & producers. www.drydenbks.com