our stories, ourselves

Keeping Up With the Racing Rules

Keeping Up With the Racing Rules

"Instant gratification is not soon enough" - Meryl Streep  I was reading an article about how some boat makers are researching ways to replace the baby-boomers who are aging out of the pastime of sailing, and in the course of their research once such company came...

Why Playing It Safe May Be the Most Dangerous Game of All

Why Playing It Safe May Be the Most Dangerous Game of All

I read some exchanges recently between picture book authors in which one posed the question (and I’m paraphrasing here) as to whether she could do whatever she wanted with her main character in her manuscript, or whether it was better to perhaps “play it safe.”  A few...

Finding Your Voice – craft tool giveaway!

where, oh where, is the voice coming from? Editors, agents and authors are always talking about that illusive VOICE - the voice of our characters, the author's voice, the novel's voice. But where does voice come from? And how can we find it? How can we tackle it? How...

The Craft of Craft

The Craft of Craft

I speak frequently at various children's book writers and illustrators conferences and have become something of a craft junkie.  While I thoroughly enjoy talking with authors and illustrators about the business of publishing and the market place, I'm relishing more...



image from www.chalkboardmanifesto.com         procrastinate: from Latin, of tomorrow I can be a procrastinator.   There.    I admit it.    I can put things off until…whenever. I can delay. I can come up with excuses. I can opt to do the easy rather than the...

drydenbks LLC

drydenbks LLC: emma d dryden’s company offers editorial & publishing consultancy services to children’s book creators & producers. www.drydenbks.com